Pradhan Mantri Kisan Sanman Nidhi Yojana, Rs. 1 lakh 364 crore has been paid to 20 lakh 48 thousand farmers who did not meet the criteria set under this scheme. This has been disclosed under the Right to Information (RTI). The information was sought by Venkatesh Nair, who is associated with the Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative.

[Yojana News] KISAN SANMAN NIDHI Yojana News Report 2021.

Post Name :- KISAN SANMAN NIDHI Yojana 

Category :- Education 

Portal :- Cutresults

Post Date :- 21/03/2021

According to the information provided by the Union Ministry of Agriculture, unqualified farmers have received money from the scheme, which includes two categories. The first category is the farmer, who does not qualify through it. The second category includes farmers who pay income tax.

Vero requested money farmers received 55 percent

, according to data received from RTI Venkatesh Nair said the full income tax of 55.58 per cent of the farmers. While such farmers have been excluded from the scheme. Another 44.41 per cent do not meet the requirements of the scheme.

Punjab has the highest number of such farmers.

According to Nair, Punjab, Assam, Maharashtra, Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh have the highest number of such farmers. Punjab is at the forefront in this regard. Here, money has been sent to the accounts of 23.6 per cent (4.74 lakh) disqualified farmers.

તમારા ખાતામાં ૨ હજાર જમા થયા કે નહિ અહિ ચેક કરો 

Then comes Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh. Such farmers are 8.05 per cent (1.64 lakh) and 8.01 per cent (1.64 lakh). The lowest number of disqualified farmers has been reported in Sikkim.

Scheme started in the year 2019

Under this scheme started in the year 2018, farmers with less land get help of Rs. 2-2 thousand three times a year. The beneficiary farmer can register through the Common Service Center (CSC).
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