Online studies are currently underway in the wake of the epidemic Corona, but the situation in Ahmedabad has improved a bit and Gujarat University announced an offline exam. But 8 days ago it was announced that the offline exam starting from 21st August has been postponed. The university has again announced a new date today. According to the announcement, Gujarat University's undergraduate, postgraduate, law.

Gujarat All University Last Sem Exam Offline News Paper Report 2021

Post Name :- All University Last Sem Exam Offline

Category :- Education

Post DaTe:- 28/06/2021

science and education examinations will be held in two phases on September 3 and September 12. Also, a special examination will be conducted by giving one more chance to the student who is not mentally or physically healthy.

રાજ્યની સરકારી ખાનગી યુનિવર્સિટીમાં પરીક્ષાઓ ઓફ લાઇન લેવા આદેશ

સ્નાતકના અંતિમ વર્ષ જ્યારે ટર્મિનલ સેમેસ્ટર અને અનુસ્નાતક વિદ્યાર્થીઓની પરીક્ષા લેવાશે

જુલાઈ 2021 મા અનુકુળતા મુજબ પરીક્ષા લેવા માટે સૂચના 

પરીક્ષા પહેલા વેક્સિનેશનની વ્યવસ્થા કરવા આદેશ

The Exam DAte Available Soon. 

The time for this examination has been fixed from 10 to 12 in the morning and from 3 to 5 in the afternoon. The duration of this examination will be two hours. If the head of a department wants to take the course or subject in his / her own way in online, offline or blended mode, he / she has to get the approval.

online exam will be conducted for the student who does not want to take the offline exam as well as an online exam for any student living locally, outside the state or abroad who does not want to take the offline exam. MCQ (Multi Choice Questions) will be taken through the software of the university as per which the student has consented separately. The merit of which will be the same as the offline exam.

Education department will conduct examination of all universities on 30th September. By instructed to meet

before July ordered the state Department of Education to be completed by September 30, all university exam in Gujarat. As well as asking UGC and the state to conduct the exam keeping in view the corona status, the exam also suggested giving students two options of online and offline.

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