The scheme of providing assistance on smartphones purchased by the farmers of the state in the year 2021-26. The scope of digital service in the field of agriculture is increasing day by day. In the field of agriculture, following Douglas, farmers started using IT.

Scheme to provide assistance on smartphones purchased by farmers in the year 2021-22.

Post Name :- Smartphone Farmer Scheme

Category :- Yojana


Post Date:-21/11/2021

Scheme to provide assistance on smartphones purchased by farmers in the year 2021-22.

Scheme to provide assistance on smartphones purchased by farmers in the year 2021-22


Smartphones for information such as weather forecast, rain forecast, potential pest infestation information, farmer useful publications, latest farming methods, pest control techniques, information on agriculture department assistance schemes and online application for assistance in agriculture department schemes by farmers. Being used. Smartphones can easily be in the hands of the user, exchanging messages like photographs, e-mails, texts and multimedia. Digital Camera, Multimedia Player, GPS , Touch screen, web browser, 

Latest News Farmer Smartphone Scheme

Regarding the assistance of the scheme: Under the scheme of providing assistance on the smartphone purchased by the farmer, the farmer will be eligible for assistance up to Rs. 15000 / - from the purchase of a smartphone. In which the farmer will be entitled to 10% of the purchase price of the smartphone or Rs. 1500 / - whichever is less. E.g. Any farmer can earn Rs. If he buys a smartphone worth Rs. 500 / - or Rs. 1500 / - whichever is less i.e. Rs. 500 / - is eligible for assistance and if a farmer pays Rs. If he buys a smartphone worth Rs. 15000 / -, he will get Rs. 1500 / - or Rs. 1500 / - whichever is less i.e. Rs. 1500 / - is eligible for assistance.

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